Find your Confidence…
Money gives you confidence.
Some jobs give you confidence.
Some positions give you confidence.
Some associations give you confidence.
Some relationships give you confidence.
Some partnerships give you confidence.
Some collaborations give you confidence.
Some friendships give you confidence.
Some exposures give you confidence.
Some experiences give you confidence.
Some opportunities give you confidence.
If you sometimes wonder why certain people or a certain person displays some audacious level of confidence, check what fuels it.
Could be money. Or the security of their job. Or the strength of their partnerships. Or the beautiful brain sitting in their heads. Or the opportunities they’ve gotten and the exposures it brings to them. Or the networks they’ve surrounded themselves with.
Or just the simple realisation that they are enough!
There’s a confidence that money brings o. Sincerely.
You sometimes wonder why certain people appear so humble and timid, and when they start ‘touching smoh moni’ you’re amazed at their transformation and boldness.
For others, their experiences fuel it. Their personal development strides also fuel some. It is here, they suddenly realise that they are enough. And they are worth every single thing that comes their way.
That realisation does great wonders to their beings.
Try it. I dare you.
There’s an audacious backing to their newfound boldness.
Do you love their confidence?
Get to work.
Rather than bicker and envy and despise, plus hate their guts, try to find your fuel and power your confidence level.
So (that) you don’t sneer at them when they talk or waltz past you.
Find that thing that’ll fuel your confidence.
Find that thing that will boost your boldness.
Find that thing that will skyrocket your belief in yourself.
There’s no place for timidity around you.
Find that thing that will set you on a hill.
You’re a city, remember?
You should be set on a hill
In a city, there are beautiful houses. There are hospitals, industries, offices, malls, institutions, everything you can think of.
People leave rural areas to get solutions in the city.
You. Are. A. City.
You should reflect on this.
High. Confident. Resilient. Full of solutions. Bold. Audacious.
Where men see.
Men should come running to you for answers
You should be an answer(s) to problems.
Get that money (legit way).
Get that exposure. Yes!
Get that network thriving.
Get that idea working.
Get that opportunity.
Boost your confidence level
You need it.
I tell you, you need it for the journey ahead of you.
You can’t remain timid forever o.
Why na? Are you broda Timi or sister Timi?
People read energies.
Energies are transferrable.
The energy you show or the energy they read (most times) has an effect on how things come your way.
Rejig your energy.
You’ve played small for too long.
Now, is the time to arise.
Get. To. Work.
Raise the bar.
Fuel your confidence.
And while you’re on the queue for your fuel, I waltz out!
Never forget-I’m always rooting for you!
Oya, bai bai.